Meet Courtney

photo of a mom with her children walking along a dirt hiking path. mom is wearing an infant in a baby carrier and holding the hand of a walking toddler. photo by nurture & nourish colorado springs


I'm Courtney Wilson. My passion for all things birth, baby, lactation, and parenting was created from my experiences with my own children. First and foremost, I am Mom to two energetic, compassionate little humans. I am a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), which means I have not only completed at least 52 hours of lactation-specific education and passed a rigorous knowledge test, but have also passed a clinical skills assessment in order to provide families with optimal breastfeeding care. I also hold a BS in Chemical Engineering, which allows me to better analyze data and scientific studies in order to give families the most up-to-date, evidence-based care possible. 

My personal breastfeeding journey began in 2020 with the birth of my son Jayven. We struggled with jaundice, an inverted nipple, latch difficulties, and an undiagnosed tongue tie. Just when it felt like we were getting the hang of breastfeeding, I returned to work in-person, which opened the door to new difficulties with pumping and bottle refusal. We fought through these speed bumps and managed to continue breastfeeding. When Jayven was 9 months old, I became pregnant with my daughter Delainy. Jayven and I continued to nurse throughout the entire pregnancy (even while in labor!) and I then went on to tandem nurse both children. They are both currently nursing as toddlers, with plans to term breastfeed.

My husband Josh and I live with our two kids in sourthern Colorado Springs, CO. Aside from helping families, I enjoy cooking, drinking all the coffee, and watching my kids be kids in the Colorado dirt and sunshine.

Certifications & Training

In addition to being a Certified Lactation Counselor (ALPP #346044), I am also certified in Adult and Pediatric CPR, First Aid, and AED use. I have also completed additional coursework in supporting:

And in providing up-to-date, evidence based information on:

Professional Memberships & Advocacy

I believe that large, widescale policy change is needed to help more families provide human milk to their infants. To further this mission, I'm a member of the following organizations that help promote, protect, and/or support breastfeeding.

Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition 

Military Birth Resource Network & Postpartum Coalition 

Breastfeeding USA